Pelo gerenciador de arquivos da sua hospedagem acesse:
Baixe o arquivo templateDetails.xml para seu computador.
Abra o arquivo em um bloco de notas.
Apague o texto que está entre <description> e </description>
O texto a ser apagado é este:
<h3>Overview of VTEM Templates</h3>
<p>This Template is a generation template framework developed by VTEM for Joomla! 1.5 and above. This template is a sophisticated Joomla template framework with the sole intention of being the best platform to build a solid template with. This template takes all the lessons learned during the development of many VTEM templates and distills that knowledge into a single super-flexible framework that is easy to configure, simple to extend, and powerful enough to handle anything we want to throw at it.</p>
<h3>Key Features</h3>
<li>960 Grid System ( for simple consistent layout. 12 and 16 column support</li>
<li>VTEM-menu control over all functionality</li>
<li>Ability to save/remove custom presets</li>
<li>Built-in AJAX Support</li>
<li>RTL language support</li>
<li>Support Google font – give you added control when using linked font</li>
<li>CSS & JS Compress – minify the number and weight of files</li>
<li>Multi-themes & User theme support.</li>
Depois de apagar, salve e reenvie para sua hospedagem na mesma pasta que estava substituindo o atual arquivo.
Agora acesse o painel de controle da sua hospedagem e realize as alterações.